We’re This Must Be The Place!

We travel the country, to music and art festivals, handing out thousands of doses of free naloxone (commonly known as Narcan) in the fight against the fentanyl epidemic. 

It is our goal to normalize naloxone and other overdose prevention tools in every corner of the country, because only then can we curb the deaths that continue to be caused by this unfortunate epidemic.

Check us out on Instagram or reach out anytime!

  • Support Our Mission

    The opioid epidemic has impacted almost everyone in America at this point. Our goal is to help reduce the number of overdoses, and empower thousands of people to care for those they love and strangers alike. We’re an entirely crowd-funded organization, so anything you donate will go directly toward fighting the overdose epidemic.

  • What Is Naloxone?

    Naloxone - commonly known as Narcan - is the life-saving medication that reverses opioid and fentanyl overdoses. It’s a medication that does one job and does it extremely well! Click below to learn more about the amazing way it works and how it has no risk or side effects for anyone not experiencing an overdose!

  • How To Administer It!

    Fentanyl can be found laced into every type of substance today, so it’s good to equip yourself to help potentially save a life! Follow the link below to learn the signs and symptoms of an overdose, and just how easy it is to use Naloxone (spoiler alert: it’s only a nasal spray!).

Want your own free kit?

Here are the festivals you can find us at and here’s a great resource for other ways to get your own naloxone.